Poo'd our pants!

I must admit by today we were on the verge of od'ing on monkeys. I think our monkey photo collection could rival dad's bird photo collection. But then the jungle always throws you a few surprises. First up a nice couple from the UK who introduced LC to that classic English traveling card game Sh*thead. Brought back memories of Sudan and Ian Winterton and I loved singing 'Sh*t on your head, Sh*t on your head' at LC the first time she lost. I did later apologise as I may have been a bit enthusiastic and I'm not sure it was behaviour becoming of a new groom, especially in front of a couple of strangers (speaking of which we got access to our wedding photos today - do you know how annoying the internet can be when that tantalising bit of signal just taunts you. A little, but not enough. So you'll all have to wait. 

Fortunately forgiven (used to it I think), we had a nice surprise with breakfast being served out in the jungle. 

And we happened upon a fight between a red proboscis and a silver leaf on the walk back to our room. The red proboscis recovered well to take the spoils. 

When we did try to leave the room we found ourselves trapped by a snake on our doorstep with a gecko in it's mouth, and no staff in sight to advise on the most suitable course of action. So we made a little home video. I may have to come back to this blog to add proper photos. 

After a brief lunch, where I discovered that the deepest jungle of Borneo somehow has access to my mum's Korean pork recipe, we moved again, further upriver to the Kinabatangan Riverside lodge at a much larger village called Sukau. 

Our evening river cruise was all progressing very nicely until our guided spotted a helluva large crocodile in the water ahead of us. Big enough for them to back up the boat. And then we entered proper horror movie mode, with the croc slowly disappearing underwater. The slightly panicked guides backed up a little more. It's a small boat.  The croc resurfaced a bit closer and then went under again. We picked up the stream of bubbles and as he pulled up alongside, the driver quickly got us moving forwards again. More of a buzz than a bungee jump!  Pictures would be great huh?  LC got a little video clip.

And we saw lots more monkeys. And another snake, this time in Wolves colours. 


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