Stuart Day 5

Sadly the dawned wet and windy, the first time this has happened on a road trip. We had a quick wander round Monterey but were foiled by the weather. Fortunately, we've both been before so nothing lost. So, into the car and up Route 1 to Santa Cruz to explore the boardwalk fairground, complete with wooden big dipper. It was closed, of course, but fascinating to wander round and take a few photos.

As we drove further north the weather improved and we arrived for our lunch stop in Duarte's Tavern - 'Meeting to Eat since 1894' - in Pescadora to find the tavern was actually open. Nice local fish and vegetables grown in the back garden. The chilled artichoke hearts with aioli sauce starter was particularly unusual. Then onto San Francisco in glorious suinshine. A brief photostop at Pigeon Point, where Steve could not resist doing his Elvis impersonation, which quickly caught on.

Great to be back in San Francisco. We met up earlier with Aneesha and Tom, with whom we stayed on our last trip and we're now at Raj's, with whom Steve used to share a flat. Big night in prospect tonight!


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