Day ?+2 Ho

For all those that have seen Cocoon (a classic by the way), that was what the tiny town of Carthage was like.  We were the talk of the town down the caf, being introduced to each new member of the male gang who arrived to join the ever expanding posse.  I was tickled when one (sneakers, striped short dungarees, baseball cap) suggested we visit their civil war museum.  "I've never been but I've heard it's real worth it".  We had decided on a small snack in the morning.  Dad's back on the bread and tucked in to a sandwich, packet of crisps and chocolate brownie to my oatmeal.

We actually spent most of the morning in Carthage as it's also home to Precious Moments.  Dad's been a different man ever since we arrived there.  He kept on insisting I took photos of him next to things and is now insisting I upload them to my blog post, see please find a selection herewithunder.

As we carried on to the Ozarks, our one real State Park and hiking segment of the holiday (with tonight our likely camping stop), dad started to point out the drop in temperature and the gathering rainclouds.
gathering rainclouds
I wasn't convinced, but we ended up at a Sleep Inn regardless.  We got a bit of an early evening hike in in Ha Ha Tonka park.  Most nice.  We actually ate-in tonight, picking up supplies from the Walmart across the road.

Next day was off to another part of the Ozarks for more hiking.  I suddenly became concerned as couldn't remember packing the brown paper bag with my gift for LC from Precious Moments.  A very special little charm.  However, we'd done a thorough room sweep to make sure nothing was left.  I asked Dad if he'd seen a brown paper bag that I'd left by the rest of my things in the room.  He said the only brown paper bag he'd seen was the one he'd put his half-eaten sandwich in and chucked in the bin.

Sorry LC.

This morning we did a lovely few hikes around the Lake of the Ozarks State Park.  Beautiful, and lots of wildlife.  We saw tortoises, deer, chipmunks.  Only the tortoise was happy to stop for a photo.  Although he didn't look thrilled.

It is a shame we're not here for a bit longer.


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